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Monday, November 28, 2011

THE RIAA and Piracy

The Recording  Industry Association of America (RIAA) offers a lot of information to members of the  recording industry. One thing they are very popular for right now is the fight against piracy.  Internet and physical piracy have been a problem for the recording industry for years. Internet piracy, however, has really taken a toll on the industry over the last few years.

On the RIAA website, they provide a lot of information on piracy. They list examples of Internet piracy, who it hurts, and even some things they are going to help stop piracy.  This section is not limited to online piracy; it also covers physical piracy. Though physical piracy has been overshadowed by internet piracy, it is still a problem in the music industry.

The RIAA has many studies on piracy and how to make it stop or at least make it have a lesser impact.  There are many articles about the effect that piracy has had and on what they are doing to make it stop.  They have many statistics on piracy over the years.  They also have many studies on the subject.

If the RIAA is successful in cutting back on piracy, it will have a very big impact on the recording industry.  First, the industry would start making more money again. It is no secret that the music industry has taken quite the blow to their annual income. With less pirating, the industry would not be declining.

As a result of more money for labels and studios, they would be more likely to take risks on artists again. This could open up the industry to new artists and genres, not just trending ones. It could also mean more money for the real artists. 360 deals would no longer be necessary, though I am sure they would still be around. Bands could start making more money from touring again instead of the labels taking most of it. 



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