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Sunday, January 22, 2012


Since the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) was first brought up in congress, there has been a lot of protest for it on the Internet. As an idea, this act is fantastic, but put into practice…well, that’s a different story.

Though parts of the industry are for this act because it is to stop online piracy, it is not the best way of stopping or hindering piracy. Put into action, this bill would censor a lot of the Internet. It could go so far as shutting down social networks. Without a real way to communicate easily and quickly, this would cut back a lot on how people share music, movies, and every other part of their lives. The also would not have the same easy access to music on the Internet. Without people spreading the word of new music, sales would probably plummet. They could lose just as much money that way as they do through pirating. The act would also take away a lot of promotion and advertising. It would be harder to promote concerts and shows, not only for big labels, but small local bands as well.

SOPA would revert the industry to times before social networks and YouTube. I do not think the industry could really deal with that kind of revert. They would have to find a new way of promoting their artists and bands. Local bands would have a hard time finding shows and then promoting them and getting the word out. Times have changed a lot and with a censored internet, word will not travel nearly as far. People would have to get used to other ways of communicating again. A lot of promotion would have to rely on word of mouth. I do not think that it would work too well. It would take a long time for people to adjust and there would be a drop in the entertainment industry during this time.

Overall, I think they need to look over this act more. It has a lot of aspects that could cripple many business and industries. 


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