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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Industry Controversies

In the recording industry, there are many copyright controversies. One of the biggest is definitely due to pirating. Not only is pirating stealing, it is copyright infringement.  It is an ongoing problem and controversy in the music industry and all other entertainment industries. Though the United States’ government has tried to find ways to stop it, it does not seem that they are going about it correctly. The extent that pirating has gotten to is ridiculous. The music industry loses a very large amount of money each year due to pirating. Of course, I think there will always be some extent of pirating. It will always be a controversy in the industry. However, I do think we need to find a way to cut back on it.

While looking around at different controversies in the music industry, I came across a very interesting one. The Borromeo String Quartet has started using MacBooks and foot pedals in place of sheet music. Instead of having sheets and sheets of music to read, it is simply on their MacBooks. To change a page, they tap the foot pedal. This results in fewer missed notes and a much easier way to perform for the musicians. This presents a problem with copyright infringement, however. Edward W. Guo has made a website to host all the sheet music. This makes it possible for others to also upload sheet music to the site. Not everyone that uploads the music is a copyright holder. Also, anyone can access the site for free. This presents a lot of infringement issues. While I think this is a very awesome idea, I think it needs to be run differently. There are ways to host this site without the copyright infringement and the controversy.

Sampling in music causes another controversy. It has become very popular for bands of many genres to sample older songs. Sampling can be using the same rhythm and notes as another song, sampling a clip from another song, or even sampling an audio clip from another course.  If the proper legal action is not taken with this, the song can be in violation of copyright law. I think this is a very important thing to think about. Though there are only a few notes that can be used, there are a variety of ways to use them. In most cases, I do not think it is necessary to use a previous artists work. There are more creative ways to make music than sampling. In some cases, it comes off as lazy, to me. Though, I will hand it to them, some artists do use sampling very well. They just need to make sure they get the right permissions to use them.



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